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Software Development Unit (SDU)

Head, SDU

Mal. Abba Umar Dewu

Head of Unit (SDU), IAIICT


The Unit is responsible for the design, development, deployment, management of software, provision of user support on software applications, as well as nurturing and promoting special skill sets in free and open source software:

Functions of Software Development Unit (SDU)

  • Develop software applications and/or components for automation of processes and services in the University, including mobile applications;
  • Source, deploy, promote and manage use of open source software;
  • Advice the University Management on acquisition of COTS (Commercial off-the-shelf) software;
  • Provide technical support for use and management of software in the University;
  • Provide system administration services for the computing facilities in the University;
  • Ensure that all software applications developed /acquired and deployed by the University are thoroughly tested and meet international quality assurance standards;
  • Provide consultancy services in software development.
SDU Organogram