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Education and Training Unit (ETU)

Head, ETU

Dr. Mrs. J. O Odengle

Head of Unit (ETU), IAIICT


The Unit provides teaching, training and capacity development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for continuing education and the development of middle level manpower.

Functions of Education and Training Unit (E&T)

  • Provide education at Diploma level;
  • Provide awareness and continuing education in ICT related areas;
  • Coordinate training workshops in ICT for staff, students and the general public;
  • Provide consultancy services to government, private establishments and individuals;
  • Identify and recommend training resources (print and or digital) for the ICICT Library;
  • Develop and update training manuals;
  • Explore, promote and take advantage of any ICT based training opportunity considered beneficial to the university community and the general public;
  • Provide favourable and attractive atmosphere for equal opportunity and participation, especially for the girl child and physically challenged clients;
  • Identify training needs for staff of the Unit for effectiveness and efficiency.

At Iya Abubakar Institute of ICT, we pride ourselves on providing quality education that is relevant to the needs of the industry. Our members of staff are experts in their respective fields, and our curriculum is designed to be both practical and comprehensive, ensuring that you are equipped with the skills to succeed in the real world.