Institute of Administration

Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria - Nigeria


Diploma programmes

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HOD, Professor A. M. Madaki
Professor A. M. Madaki

Director, Institute of Administration

Welcome Message

The Institute of Administration was founded in 1947 as a Clerical Centre and incorporated into Ahmadu Bello University in October, 1962. It has from the date of its incorporation developed into an Institution with a dual function. First, as a College for Undergraduate, Postgraduate Studies and Research, and secondly, as an in-service training centre. The Institute of Administration is the oldest Institute of higher learning in West Africa devoted to the teaching of Management or Accounting, Administration and Law. The Institute houses the University’s Faculties of Administration and Law and the Centre for Islamic Legal Studies.
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  1. To provide professional training in administration, finance and Law.
  2. To aid in the modernization of management systems and practices in both public and private sectors. Specifically, the initial function of the Institute were:-
  3. To provide courses of Instruction leading to Diplomas, certificates, and other disciplines.
  4. To provide special training for government, local government employees, and private individuals.
  5. To conduct In-service Training for Area Court personnel of Northern Region. The Centre for Islamic Legal Studies in addition to running Diploma and Higher Diploma in Islamic Law is also engaged in training judicial staff and conducting research activities.
  6. To hold conferences and seminars on subjects relevant to its areas of activities.
  7. To carry out research and consultancy services in the fields of management, accounting, administration and Law.


To be a world class training Institute capable of providing necessary and robust facilities that guarantee and support conducive atmosphere for teaching, learning and research at sub-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


The Administration has grown tremendously over the years and now has staff strength of 261 academic staff which includes 50 fully fledged professors, 16 Readers, 40 Senior Lecturers, 38 Lecturer I, 29 Lecturer II, 62 Assistant Lecturers, 27 Graduate Assistants, 83 Senior Technologist/Technical Staff, 36 Senior Administrative and 7 Junior Staff in the Nine Departments.