The Institute’s mission is to research into critical development issues conduct and facilitate research aimed at providing accurate data on relevant aspects that could lead to the much needed human and material development in Nigeria. It also aims to conduct and disseminate results of advanced research at postgraduate and post-doctoral levels in all areas of development.
The Vision is to contribute in evolving development practices beneficial to mankind through knowledge and experiences capable of transforming system thinking within academic institutions and related networks. It envisages development thinking system with approaches, adaptations, inputs and outputs that would serve the needs of local realities and enrich global acceptance on one hand and on the other, an excellent centre for policy dialogue, policy formulation and policy actions in Nigeria and the rest of the continents
Name of Organization: Institute for Development Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
Laws Establishing the Institute: The Institute for Development Research(IDR), Ahmadu Bello University Zaria was established on July 1, 1998 with the aim of conducting research on development issues in Nigeria, Africa and any part of the world. It is also an Institute with interest in global development issues and collaborative researches.